Lulu says:

Fight for your fairytale, and watch your story unfold one page at a time.

Lulu is a content creator, with a passion for writing. She takes pride in using the art of factual and fictional storytelling to help navigate her way through the world. Lulu believes that everyone is a storyteller, whether it be through writing, song, or actions. We all have a story, so, why wait? Tell your story!


  • Write With Your Heart ❤️

    Write With Your Heart ❤️

    “Fuck feeling like you have to write masterpieces to write. Write shitty work, write self-indulgent work, write works for tiny fandoms, write works with grammar mistakes, write whatever you want. Who cares. If you like it and it makes you happy, write it!” credit: @upstateslut on

  • Dear Devereux – 2

    Dear Devereux – 2

    CHAPTER 2: Disappointment, tense conversation, and outrageous requests. The Devereux’s try to navigate their tumultuous union filled with complicated decisions.

  • Shades of Scarlet-2

    Shades of Scarlet-2

    CHAPTER 2: Scarlet is forced to spend the day with Rafael, who has a talent for ruining her mood with little to no effort. An unexpected visitor arrives.
